Unmediate yourself! Don't e-mail me at pfg23@yahoo.com.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Avatar, Or Is It OK To Be A Traitor?

Just saw Avatar. Not bad, a lot of fun, although the plot is definitely in service to the technology. Reminded me of several other films that deal with the same theme, District 9, Dances With Wolves, and best of all, Fort Apache.


Scrooge is a brain-washed tool of the consumer-industrial complex.

A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, everyone!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Speaking of Musical Greatness...

No rock and roll musician, and that includes the great Chuck Berry, should ever compare themselves to Ludwig Von Beethoven. Just a suggestion.

The Mystery of JB

I just don't know what it is about the music of James Brown. Whether it's a song I've never heard before or one I've heard a hundred times, I always hear something new.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Bound and Gagged by the Dotted-Line

Ralph Nadar on reclaiming what's yours


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Copyright © Vavatini Software 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What I Believe

I believe in slipping people a "mickey finn." Right in the kisser.
I believe in throwing one dollar bills around.
I believe in the word "around".
I believe that the Sears Tower in Chicago should now be called the Wesley Willis Tower.
I believe that people should just chill out and stop yelling at me in my sleep.
I believe God has just left the building.
I believe Koreans should be forgiven for enjoying their adorable little pet puppies--for din-din.
I believe the day President Clinton was fellated should be a national holiday. Don't you?