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Friday, November 25, 2005

I saw a great magnetic yellow ribbon sticker on a car the other day. It read "Go Bears". It's about time we buried the "Support Our Troops" line. Let's face it. It's become a cheap lie. Of course I support the troops. (Don't worry, we're not going to dump on the troops; some of us learned something from the Vietnam War.) They are the only real heroes in this whole thing. They're putting their lives on the line to protect our big, fat, sorry, reality-TV-watching asses. And we're simply not worthy. Why not? Because we shouldn't have put them in harm's way in Iraq in the first place. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a 100% pacifist. I think our retaliation against the Taliban in Afghanistan is justifiable. As we're all painfully aware, the political environment in that failed state served as the launching pad for 9/11. I can see only two valid positions: if you're for the war then volunteer to fight it, otherwise you must protest it. Putting a "Support Our Troops" magnetic yellow ribbon on your gas guzzler is the apotheosis of dip-shittedness.