Unmediate yourself! Don't e-mail me at pfg23@yahoo.com.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Incongruous Thoughts at Large

  • Cultivate your compassion.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

You may have heard about the Stephen Colbert Bush roast, but if you haven't seen it, please, check it out at Colbert's Smart Bomb. This is one of the gutsiest comedic performances I've ever seen. Not only that, he's as hard on the press corps as he is on Dubya. The stream of Italian curse gestures aimed at Antonin Scalia is priceless. Bravo Colbert!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Happy May Day!

Embrace your power.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Things I cannot eat.
  • Bug nuts
  • Roach cutlets
  • Chicken-fried snake
  • Aunt Goofy's Secret Sauce
  • Crouper
  • Medallions of grief
  • Knuckle sandwich
  • Dingleberries
  • Fried legs
  • Horseradish of the Apocalypse
  • Dog drop soup
  • Turkish with stuffing and cramberry sauce
  • Deep fried lard on a stick
  • Blood and tongue loaf of Christ
  • Beef tallow sandwich with sport peppers
  • Horse oysters
  • Tripe-flavored ice cream
  • Rack of Shemp
  • Road apples
  • Loin ala Ed McMahon
  • Rump toast
  • Roasted chestnuts on an open sore
  • Chili con Art Carney
Copyright © pfg23 2006

Friday, March 03, 2006

Global War on Terrorism. The Global War on Terror. When you think about it, the "Global War on Terror" is a fiction. If it is real, then how does invading Iraq, ousting Hussein, and (presumably) establishing a democratic government get rid of all the terrorists? Oh sure, all of the other dictatorships in the Middle East will come tumbling down like dominos and the Arabs and Muslims will no longer be angry. I'm not sure our government would even want such vast, catastrophic upheaval to happen at all. Especially to our oil suppliers and friends in Saudi Arabia. So what's the strategy? Where's the next front after Iraq? Pakistan? Germany? England? Oklahoma? We're supposed to feel safer, but I don't think there's been much of a difference. The administration takes credit for the fact that we haven't been attacked again since 9/11, and perhaps rightfully so, but Hurricane Katrina proved (once again) that the administration is incapable of protecting us from disaster. Quite the contrary, Bush believes in his bones that government can't and shouldn't do anything except fight wars and staff police. Unfortunately, it seems to me that the Global War on Terror is just another way of justifying the ouster of our former ally Saddam Hussein and enforcing our hegemony in the Middle East and in the world.

Monday, February 27, 2006

CBGB, NYC 1975

Gabba gabba hey!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

My Running Tips

  1. No music. Needless hazard.
  2. For maintenance running, pick a basic distance and vary based on how you feel that day. E.g., my basic distance is three miles; on good days I'll up it to 4, 5, or 6. On not so good days or if I'm strapped for time I'll knock off miles.
  3. Before buying shoes, check the AAPSM Running Shoe List at aapsm.org/runshoe.html[aapsm.org].
  4. For winter running, even on paved city streets and sidewalks, get waterproof (Goretex) trail running shoes.
  5. Run on the side of the street that goes opposite vehicular traffic. If there's some drunk guy weaving you'll be able to see him (or her) before he drives up on the sidewalk.
  6. There are always knuckleheads out there that will make comments, cat calls, or yell to break your concentration. I really, really hate these idiots, but I think it's best to just ignore them.
  7. If you run solo in a risky neighborhood, take your mace. I mean your medieval flail so you can really inflict some punishment.